Neuhart New Hope Counseling -Family Therapy and Counseling | Houston, TX



Family Therapy

“The bond that links your TRUE FAMILY is not one of blood, But of RESPECT and JOY in each other’s life.” –Richard Bach

As a culturally sensitive therapist, I realize that “family” can mean something different to everyone and each “family” has their own way of interacting and relating to one another. Regardless of who your family system is made up of, they are a big part of who you are and have the potential to impact you both positively and negatively. 

As an Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, I work to help both individual members and their “family” systems recognize and access the strengths they possess, as well as pinpoint any areas of growth that could benefit from a little extra attention. I am systemically trained to look for the context in which an issue has arisen and help clients identify patterns of interaction within their family system that may be contributing to its overall functioning. 

During the therapy process, I encourage each member of the family to be heard and contribute to creating new and unique solutions that can serve to help their family run more efficiently. My goal is to help clients gain a greater understanding of themselves and their family unit’s values and cultures, in order to foster a better family connection, help them come together as a team when faced with life’s difficulties, and help each individual heal and grow to reach their full potential.

“Other things may change us, but we start and end with Family.”     – Anthony Brandt

 Family Therapy can be especially helpful with:

  • Preparing for or Coping with Life Transitions

  • Grief/Loss

If you are still wondering if this approach is for you, don’t worry. After some initial appointments to get to know you and your family, we will collaboratively determine if family therapy is appropriate and, if so, how best to structure the individual and family sessions.    

“Having somewhere to go is HOME,

Having someone to love is FAMILY,

Having both is a blessing.”
