Neuhart New Hope Counseling -Premarital Counseling | Houston, TX | Before you Say I Do



Premarital Counseling & Relationship Enrichment

At Neuhart New Hope Counseling, we believe people grow and change in subtle and not so subtle ways every day.  From the people we meet, surprises that pop up, and everyday stresses we face, we are always growing and interacting with our environment. And as such, we believe couples need a great toolkit to successfully navigate these changes and grow together rather than apart.


Lisa Neuhart MS, LMFT, CART is both a highly skilled couples therapist and Certified Prepare/Enrich facilitator. 

·       “PREPARE/ENRICH is the leading relationship inventory and skill-building program used nationally and internationally.  It is built on a solid research foundation and significantly improves a couple's relationship. PREPARE/ENRICH is custom tailored to a couple's relationship and provides couple exercises to build their relationship skills”


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So you’ve figured out the location, dress, food, cake, etc. and are all ready for the Big Day! But in all that wedding glow, excitement, and planning, have you and your partner remembered the most important ingredient for the success of your marriage?

“The more you invest in a marriage, the more valuable it becomes.”    – Amy Grant

With all the different emotions this special time may bring up for you, your partner, and even the families you are joining together, it can be easy to overlook the importance of taking the time to properly plan for the success of your marriage.

Maybe you’re newly engaged, or wondering how in the world you are going to get everything finished in time for the wedding, or are feeling so in love, that you think nothing could possibly strain or break the bond you have with one another. OR Maybe you’ve already tied the knot, and are looking for great ways to strengthen and enhance your relationship.

Either way, now is the PERFECT time to discuss and come up with a game plan to deal with the obstacles life might throw your way.

Premarital  counseling addresses a variety of topics and helps provide couples with tools to help them thrive and navigate the day-to-day of married life together. Some of the topics addressed include: 

  • Assesing Strengths and Growth Areas—individually and as a couple

  • Strengthening Communication & Problem Solving Skills

  • Identifying & Managing Major Stressors the Couple is Facing

  • Creating Understanding & Appreciation of Personality Differences

  • Exploring Couples’ Goals & Partners' Expectations Concerning:

    • Roles

    • Sex / Intimacy

    • Finances / Budgeting

    • Religion

    • In-laws / Family of origin

    • Quality Time together

    • Parenting

    • Social Relationships

    • Boundaries

“Motto for the Bride & Groom: We are a work in progress with a lifetime contract.” - Phyllis Koss