Neuhart New Hope Counseling -Sex Therapy & Counseling | Houston, Texas | Increasing Intimacy | Neuhart New Hope |



- Sex Therapy -

Counseling for Sexual Wellness  Across the Lifespan


People often remark to me how "easy," "natural," and "enjoyable" their sexual relationship used to be within early dating or sexual experiences and within the initial stages of a marriage, coupled, or committed relationship.

Yet as we move through life and things start to become more complicated -- perhaps with things like: the addition of children, additional work and life stresses, difficult transitions, health concerns, etc. -- often, our sexual lives can begin to feel a bit more complicated too. 

Bottom line: Relationships can be challenging, and sexual intimacy adds an added layer of complexity to the equation... sound familiar?? Then Sex Therapy may be for you...  

And while "Sex Therapy" is simply traditional talk therapy / counseling centered around sexual intimacy and sexual health concerns, unfortunately most counselors are not specifically trained in these areas.

This is disappointing, as our sexuality and the expression of sexual intimacy is often very intertwined with things such as: how we view ourselves, our personal values, and the state of our connection with a romantic partner. For those struggling with a sexual concern, it can bring up a variety of mixed emotions, worries, fears, and negative thoughts.


As a Couples and Sex Therapist, I have received extensive specialized training in both the couples therapy and sex therapy fields. And one of my greatest joys as a therapist is helping couples enhance their sexual intimacy and decode their sex life. 


If you have questions or are struggling with sexual concerns that are impacting your sense of self or your personal relationships, I want you to know, you're not alone. 

I get how difficult it can be to open up about such deeply personal issues, and will provide you with a safe, confidential, professional atmosphere as we work together through these challenges. 

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Enhancing Intimacy and Sexual Wellness for Couples & Individuals


Common Reasons for Seeking Sex Therapy: 

·  Sexuality Across the Lifespan

·  Adjusting to Postpartum Sexuality

·  Dealing with Perinatal Challenges

· Body Image / Aging / Health & Wellness impacts on Sexuality

·  Relationship Concerns

·  Affair Recovery / Infidelity

·   Anxiety / Discomfort discussing sexual needs/desire

· Sexual Desire Discrepancies among partners / Managing differing levels of sexual desire

·   Low Sexual Desire

·   Painful Intercourse

·   Dealing with sexual functioning concerns

Frequently Asked Questions- Sex Therapy

Frequently Asked Questions- Sex Therapy

What is Sex Therapy?

"Sex Therapy" is simply traditional talk therapy / counseling centered around sexual intimacy and sexual health concerns. These concerns are actually quite common for both men and women, and there is no need to suffer in silence. Using a strengths-based, solution-focused approach we work to provide you with helpful tools and resources, as you process the emotions and challenges that are impacting your sexual relationship.

Is there a difference between Couples Therapy & Sex Therapy and other types of counseling?

Couples Therapy / Marriage Counseling and Sex Therapy are specific concentrations within the field of mental health counseling that each require a specific skills set. Similarly to the way in which you would not want a general physician to perform your open-heart surgery, it is important to find a licensed professional who has extensive knowledge and understanding of relationship dynamics and/or sexual health to assist you in these areas. Here at Neuhart New Hope, we specialize in both Couples Therapy and Sex Therapy and have received extensive education and training to work effectively in both areas.

Meet the Therapist - Lisa Neuhart, MS, LMFT, CART

Couples Therapy / Marriage Counseling Services

Can I come to therapy on my own?

Absolutely! We are happy to help both individuals and couples with relationship and sexual health concerns, as well as a variety of other personal challenges. Individual Therapy Services